Black Legends Awards

The long range goal of this project is to establish a physical museum facility within the City of San Jose, that provides a broad cross section of South Bay Residents and visitors with comprehensive tours, lectures, demonstrations,  presentations, displays, etc., compiling and chronicling an accurate and complete global representation and reference source of historical experiences from people directly related to African and African American diaspora also known as “Black History.”

2020 Award Recipients:

• Alexander-Green Award; News & Documentary –
• Bryan Monroe
• Banks-Gage Award; Education
• Robert Poynter
• Brown-Gross Award; Public Service
• Joseph F. Bass
• Clay-Williams Award; Business & Entrepreneur
• Steve Jackson
• Dean-Greene Award, S.T.E.M.
• Antoinette McCoy
• English-Higgins Award; Health & Medicine
• Dr. Edward Anderson
• Hardeman-Sweet Award; Law & Justice
• Ulysses Beasley
• Harris-Washington Award; Spiritual
• Pastor Paul Bains
• Joyner-Stroughter Award; Community Service
• Betty Ann Howard
• Piper-Whye Award; Art/Theater/Music
• Cozetta Gray Guinn

2020 Hall of Fame Award Winners:

• Art/Theater/Music- Piper-Whye Award goes to Cozetta Gray Guinn
• Business & Entrepreneur- Clay-Williams Award goes to Steve Jackson
• Community Service -Joyner-Stroughter Award goes to Betty A Howard
• Education – Banks-Gage Award goes to Robert Poynter
• Health & Medicine – English-Higgins Award goes to Dr.Edward Anderson
• Law & Justice – Hardeman-Sweet Award goes to Ulysses Beasley
• News & Documentary – Alexander-Green Award goes to Bryan Monroe
• Public Service – Brown-Gross Award goes to Joe F Bass
• Spiritual – Harris-Washington Award goes to Pastor Paul Bains
• S.T.E.M – Dean-Greene Award goes to Antoinette McCoy

For more information about the Black Legends Awards program, please go to the website at