Wellness Education & Information Project

Wellness describes living the best possible life you can regardless of whether you have a disease or disability. Wellness is not just related to physical health, it is a combination of mind, body and spirit and today, the key to Wellness is information and education.  As a result of our current Pandemic situation and the plethora of misinformation in circulation about it, Joyner/Payne Community Services organized a volunteer research team to compile and publish data that is specific to the demographics in communities we serve.  We have adopted the following plan to maintain upgrades to our research and make it available to our target communities:

Due to COVID-19 all aspects of our everyday operations for in person communication and public engagement services are shut down i.e. transportation, facilities, volunteers, participants, etc. However, we are inspired by schools and other organizations experiencing successes with virtual classrooms, conferences and workshops in these tough times.  Thus, we are attempting to upgrade our technology and transition to virtual formats, allowing projects to maintain program services, stay within quarantine parameters and continue to provide cross cultural education and information outreach through social media outlets.

“Every one of us has a public health role to play in this pandemic; our duty at “Epocrates” is to keep up with the latest scientific evidence to support clinical decision-making, whether that’s the latest trial on remdesivir, or elderberry with zinc and vitamin C.”

Anne Meneghetti, M.D.

*(Epocrates is a mobile medical reference app, owned by Watertown, Massachusetts-based athenahealth, that provides clinical reference information on drugs, diseases, diagnostics and patient management).
